The Elite Athletic Facility
Welcome to one of the top baseball, softball and all sports training facility in the Denver area.
Our turf area can be configured into 8 batting cages or kept open allowing your team to make the most of your rental.
Our turf area can be split into (8) 13' x 47' cages or opened up to a full 47' x 104' turf area
Our flexible bullpen area features the ability to accommodate two mounds and the ability to use the space for plyo-balls, med balls, band work speed and agility training.
We believe that strength and agility training is a key component to athletic success. We have equipped our Elite Weight Room with the equipment to help our athletes take their game to the next level.
Our med ball wall is the perfect place for throw plyo-ball, med balls and doing band work to strengthen and keep your arm healthy.
You can catch all the action at our facility from our elevated viewing area.
As one of the top club organizations in the area, we are very proud of the accomplishments of our teams.
Get the most of our indoor experience at Elite!